Create a Question Type based exam

  • 1. Create questions and answers

    1. Start by choosing a question type
      (listed below)

      Auto-marked question types:
      The following four question types can be pre-configured to be automatically marked, as soon as the students submit their exams:

      In addition to these, there are also the following question types:
      These question types require the student to write a longer text or attach a file, and can therefore not be automatically marked after the student's hand in their work: 

      You can also add information blocks, where you write headlines, instructions, etc.

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    2. Then, create the question itself.

      The questions can contain the following:

      • Text
      • Images
      • Formulas
      • Tables

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    2. Set up marking rules

    The marking rules define the scoring of the questions in an exam.

    We have a complete guide about the marking rules here: Marking rules guide

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    3. Manage and preview

    Once you have added a question, defined the answer(s), and set up the marking rules, the question is added to the exam.

    From this view, you can edit/delete, add new questions or add sub-questions to already created questions. You can add as many questions as you'd like - and then arrange them in the preferred order.

    To preview the exam and control the marking rules, click on the magnifying glass to the left of the exam editor.

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    By activating "Show marking" in the top right corner, you will be able to test your exam and make sure everything behaves as desired.

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    4. Add configurations and save

    Once you are done creating your exam, in step 3, you will have the following options:

    • “Randomize the order of the questions”

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      Note, however, that in the teacher's exam results view, all students' questions will be displayed in the same order to facilitate marking.

    • “Hide points from students during the exam”

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    • "Show results for students when submitting"

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    Then, complete the exam in the same way as when creating an exam of any of the other exam types.

    You can give students access to different accommodations and subject tools, and you can choose an appropriate security level.

    Once you are done, the exam is placed on your exam list.