Send/share exam results to students

  • After you've marked an exam, you can share the results with students in a few ways. Below, we go through each of these:

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    Share via Google Classroom

    If the exam is connected to Google Classroom, you can share the results using Google Classroom. Read more about the integration with Google Classroom here.

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    Share the results via a digital link


    If the students entered their email addresses when starting the exam, you can send the results to the students via email. They receive a link that is valid for the time limit of your choice (or default: 6 hours)

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    If the students did not enter their email addresses when starting the exam, you still have the option to send the students a link to the results. But this has to be done manually outside of - one student at a time. 

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    Show exam results directly (auto-marked exams only)

    If you want to show the results for the students directly after submission, you can activate this function when creating or editing your exam.

    Only the results of auto-marked questions will be shown. The score for manually marked questions (free text or answer with attachment) will be excluded.

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    Handle the results outside of

    Of course, If you prefer, you can still print and handle the results outside of 

    To print student answers, go to the results view and choose Print > Student answer.

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