Grid - Award points per answer/row

  • How does it work?
    For each correct answer option or row, the student is awarded one point. The student does not get any points for missing answers. For wrong answers, the score depends on whether the marking is done per answer or per row (see images below).

    How to add the marking rules?
    The Answer scenario is pre-selected under Marking rules when a new question is created. Choose whether you want to award points by answer options or by row in the drop-down menu. For each correct answer or row, the student is awarded one point or the number of points you choose. 


    If you award points per correct answer, an incorrect answer gives a point deduction.



    Below the marking rule, you can see the question's total score. 


    Good to know
    The lowest possible total score for a question is zero - minus points cannot be given.

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