Show students one question at a time
This setting enables you to display questions to students one at a time, rather than showing them in a single, continuous list.
This feature is particularly helpful for students taking exams on iPads, making it easier for them to navigate, or when you want to create a sense of separate sections within the exam.
Instead of scrolling to the next question, students can simply click the forward or back arrows on each side of the question to navigate.
Activate the tool as a teacher
- In the exam configurations, navigate to the Student Workspace section.
- Activate the tool "Display one question at a time"
Note: The tool is only available for "Question-based" exams. Navigating the exam as a student
Upon entering the exam, students will first see an overview page.
To begin, they can either select a specific question or click the "Get Started" text at the bottom of the screen. This will bring them to the main view, where questions are presented one at a time.
Students can navigate between questions by clicking the left and right arrows on each side of the question, or by selecting the question numbers displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Reviewing answers
The "Review" section provides an overview where students can see their answers for each question. We recommend that students take the time to ensure every question has been answered before submitting their work.
Click the question to review the answer.
To edit an answer, simply click on the question or select it from the navigation bar at the bottom of the exam view.