Conduct exams over several sessions / Resume exam

  • Always submit at the end of each exam session: Students should always submit their exams when finishing a session.

    For continued exams: If a student is set to continue the exam in the next session, they should submit the exam now and resume when it’s time.

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    Note: Students can only access an exam if it is set to OPEN. For more details on exam access, refer to this article

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    There are three different ways for a student to resume an exam:  

    1. Resume with individual exam key (standard)

    1. Retrieve the Key: Teachers can find each student's Individual Exam Key in the exam’s monitoring view. This key is unique to each session and expires after one use, preventing unauthorized access.

      Click the Individual Exam Keys button in the Monitoring overview, to see all keys at once.

    2. Sending Keys to Students: If students need the key via email, ensure they have entered their email address when connecting to the exam. Enable this option under Student Information when setting up the exam. Read more about the function here


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    2. Student Self resume

    You can give students access to resume an exam whenever they'd like, as long as the exam access is set as OPEN 

    This feature makes it possible for students to resume where they left off without you having to send the students their individual exam keys.

    Unlimited access to an OPEN exam

    Please note that the students will get unlimited access to the exam. As long as the exam access is set as OPEN students can...

    ... enter the exam as many times as they'd like.

    ... submit the exam as many times as they'd like

    The individual resume key will not be changed after use. 


    How does self-resume work? 

    Step by step: 

    1. Activate the function: The teacher enables Student Self-Resume for an exam under the exam configurations found in step 3 when creating/editing an exam.

      Please note - this has to be done before students enter the exam.

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    2. Open for access: The teacher opens the exam (or schedules an automatic opening of the exam) via the access function in the exam list
    3. Students enter the exam: The students initiate the exam by entering it with an exam key. They will be required to enter their email address. 
    4. Students receive an email: After they enter the exam, all students will automatically receive an email containing a unique resume key for their work.
    5. To resume the exam: Students click the link (Continue Exam) in the email, or use their unique resume key, also provided in the email, to re-enter the exam. This action will automatically bring them back into their exam. 
    6. Close access to resume: When you no longer wish the students to be able to resume the exam, you turn the access to Closed. You can change access as many times as you'd like.

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    3. Resume an exam connected to LMS (Google Classroom or Microsoft Teams for Education) 

    For exams connected to Google Classroom or Microsoft Teams, students resume their exams by either:

    • Clicking the exam link in the LMS, or manually entering the exam key
    • After which they will need to sign in using their LMS account

    Only students in the designated class or team can access LMS-connected exams.


    Resuming exams after device issues

    If a student's device fails (e.g., battery dies or the device breaks), they can resume their exam as described above in the respective resume method.
