Conduct an anonymized exam

  • offers an anonymization function that allows you to mark exams without knowing the identity of each student. This guide covers activating, managing, and later revealing identities if needed.


    1. Activating Anonymization

    You can enable anonymization while creating or editing an exam or later by editing an existing exam.

    Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 09.58.05.png

    When this function is enabled, anonymized exams will be marked as such in your exam list:

    Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 09.25.15.png

    How to Anonymize an Existing Exam

    If anonymization wasn’t activated during exam creation, you can enable it later. As long as this is done before printing or exporting student answers, it will ensure full anonymity during marking.

    However, please note that the person monitoring the exam may remember which student corresponds to each text.


    2. Monitor & mark the exam

    Monitor the exam as you normally would.

    During the exam, you can toggle the setting Show Names on/off to reveal a student's name in the student list. This can be useful if, for instance, a student asks a question or runs into device-related issues. 

    NOTE! When the toggle is set to Show names, you, the teacher, won't see the student's answers in the results view. 

    To see the student answers, inactivate the Show names setting. Now you can see the student responses and mark/print the exams anonymously. 

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    Show names inactivated

    Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 13.13.11.png

    Show names activated

    Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 13.13.31.png



    3. Revealing Student Identities

    Once the marking process is complete, you can de-anonymize the exam to reveal student identities. This can be done from the exam list or the monitoring view.

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    Downloading a List of Student Identities

    After de-anonymization, QR codes on printed or downloaded student answers will link to the student information.

    In the monitoring view, you'll find a list matching each student with their corresponding QR code.

    To download the list:

    1. Go to the Monitoring view
    2. Click Print
    3. Choose Anonymous identities

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    Training video

    For a step-by-step demonstration, watch our training video:

    > Conduct and mark anonymized exams (05:30)