The exam format "PDF based"

  • We know that sometimes all you need is to use materials you already have. Therefore, allows you to upload a PDF of a pre-existing exam.

    When using this exam type students as default are given a writing area where they enter their answers.

    Under Resources, you can upload additional PDF files

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    Create a PDF based exam

    Choose "Upload or create a document" in the first step in the exam creator. 

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    In step 2, choose "Upload exam questions as PDF", and upload your PDF. 

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    Once you've uploaded the PDF, you can preview it and move on to step 3. 

    The third step is where you add your exam configurations. More information about the available exam configurations can be found in the guide for creating exams here

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    Frequently asked questions about PDF-based exams

    Question: Can students mark and annotate on an uploaded PDF?

    Answer: No, we currently do not offer a function for annotation on PDF's. 

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