Common problems with SEB

  • Since does not control or develop Safe Exam Browser (SEB is an entirely separate software), our ability to solve problems is limited. 

    With that in mind, we have listed common problems and solutions with SEB below to make it easier for you as a teacher.

    If an error is not listed below, please check Safe Exam Browser's homepage


    1. Safe Exam Browser is locked with a red screen and asks for a quit password.

    Reason: This happens if SEB was previously forced to stop (due to, for example, a hard restart or the student's device running out of battery). Alternatively, it could be due to an application running in the background on the device, which might be interpreted as a cheating attempt by SEB.

    Solution: Enter the password. The password can be found in the exam's high-security mode settings:


    Screenshot 2023-11-02 at 17.47.46 copy.png

    It can also be found in the monitoring view if a student enters the exam via SEB.

    If the same device gets locked regularly, please check all active programs/apps on the computer and if any programs are configured to auto-start.


    Please note!

    If SEB has been started in any other way than by taking an exam on, our password will not work.

    Safe Exam Browser is used by many exam platforms and is not developed or distributed by us at



    2. Error message: "Session Start Error: SEB failed to start a new session! Please consult the log files for more information"


    Reason: Safe Exam Browser has, for some reason, not been executed correctly.

    Solution: The easiest way to solve this problem, is to restart the computer.

    If it still doesn't work, you can find more information about the issue in the SEB log files in the following folder on the device:

    (usually C:\Users\\AppData\Local\SafeExamBrowser\Logs)


    3. Error message: SEB is not configured

    Reason: If the student starts the program manually, SEB will notify that it is not yet configured.

    Solution: This is normal, and SEB should not be manually configured, as this is done automatically once the student enters an exam on


    4. (Mac) Error message: SEB is not installed in the Applications Folder.

    Reason and solution: SEB for macOS must be installed in the Applications folder. It will not start if placed anywhere else.  

    Sometimes there is an Applications folder in the user's home directory, this is not the correct one. It should be placed in the system's Applications folder. You can control this by right-clicking on the folder and making sure it is placed directly under Macintosh HD.


    5. Error message: "Service Error: Failed to completely lockdown the computer."


    Reason: A security or anti-virus program (e.g. 360 Security Guard) is blocking SEB from locking the computer, causing a lock-out error.

    Solution: Try to disable the antivirus program or allow SEB as an exception. Here is more information about this issue from the SEB support site: 

    It can also help if the student creates a new and fresh user account on the computer and installs SEB for this user.


    6. Error message: "Prohibited Display Configuration: The active display configuration is not permitted. Please consult the log files for more information. SEB will now shut down..."


    Reason: The active display configuration is not allowed. The SEB version only allows internal screens.

    Solution: Try to uninstall SEB and install the recommended SEB version from the SEB installation page.

    avdelare_dark copy.jpg

    If there are other problems with SEB, the best option is usually to uninstall SEB and install it again. You can find our recommended SEB version and test your installation here:

    What versions of lockdown software are supported?

    Test your installation here

    If you experience any other problems than those listed above - please notify us. We are also interested in step-by-step solutions if you have had a problem and managed to solve it. Then we can advise other users facing the same problem. 

    If it is impossible to run SEB on the student's computer, you might want to let the student take the exam in a regular browser instead. You choose this exam setting when you create or edit the exam.