Latest updates in

  • Screen filters
    (August 2024)

    Now students can use screen filters to adjust the color of the exam environment.

    The tool is accessed via the Gear icon at the bottom of the exam menu.
    To close the dialog, click the gear icon again.

    Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 16.05.55.png application on iOS
    (August 2024)

    We have released an updated iOS application available on App Store.

    Please inform students to update to the new version before the next exam.

    Improved Security Settings Configuration
    (May 2024)

    We have updated the layout for when you choose your security settings when you create an exam.

    We aim to improve clarity on what the different settings mean and when to choose what.

    More information about our security settings can be found in this article: Security settings in exams
    AI Question Generator
    (March 2024)

    Now you can generate questions with help from our AI question generator.

    More information and instructions can be found here: AI Question Generation

    Submission timer
    (February 2024)

    You can now pre-define how much time the students will have before being required to hand in the exam. 

    More information and instructions can be found here: Set a time limit

    Statistics in the Results View
    (January 2024)

    We've added statistics for question-based exams. 

    You find the statistics in the Results view.

    Screenshot 2024-02-01 at 11.06.53.png


    Teams Integration

    (December 2023)

    Connect and export your exams to Microsoft Teams for Education, facilitating seamless integration for educators.

    Learn more about this integration here.


    "Grid" Question Type

    (December 2023)

    Introducing a new question type for grid-based questions, allowing you to add options and categories effortlessly.

    Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 13.44.36.png


    Exam Preview in Exam Creator

    (November 2023)

    We've made it simpler for you to inspect exams before granting access to students. Use the eye icon in the exam editor menu to preview and ensure everything looks just right.

    Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 13.42.39.png


    Download Results as Excel

    (November 2023)

    You can now download exam results in Excel format, giving you additional options for result analysis.

    Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 15.32.11.png


    Present Questions One at a Time

    (November 2023)

    Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 13.40.45.png

    Activate the option to present questions one at a time in question-type based exams, offering a focused and controlled examination environment.

    You activate this function inside the exam creator.

    Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 11.36.20.png


    Print Only Free Text

    (October 2023)

    Choose to print only free text-based questions (question type based exams only), providing you with more flexibility in exam customization.


    Disable Graying boxes (cheat prevention)

    (October 2023)

    Teachers can now choose to disable the gray boxes, part of our cheat protection. They are added by default but can be hidden according to your preferences. To disable the gray boxes, toggle this function in the exam creator

    Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 13.37.43.png


    Uppdated the Exam Type Selection

    (September 2023)

    We've updated the exam type selection process for a more streamlined experience.

    Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 13.48.29.png


    Student Self-Resume

    (September 2023)

    We've implemented a feature allowing students to resume exams at their convenience. Students receive individual exam keys, granting them access whenever the exam is open.


    Re-order Subquestions with Drag and Drop

    (September 2023)

    Easily re-order subquestions using the drag-and-drop functionality, enhancing the customization of your exams.


    Total Points Display in Exam Creator

    (September 2023)

    See the total points in the exam while creating it, providing a clearer overview of the assessment.


    Dictionary AI (International)

    (August 2023)

    We've introduced an AI-based dictionary to enhance your language support.
    Currently not available for users in Sweden.


    GeoGebra Suite


    We have added support for GeoGebra Suite.

    This is what the GeoGebra team says about Suite:

    GeoGebra Calculator Suite is the successor of our good old GeoGebra Classic app, so we will include all the great features you love in this app and add even more in the future!"

    You find the tool in step 3 when creating/editing an exam.

    Screenshot 2023-08-23 at 10.35.25.png

    This is what it looks like for the students:

    Screenshot 2023-08-23 at 12.08.32.png

    You can find more information about what features are included in Suite on GeoGebras support pages and here is a comparison with other GeoGebra apps


    Student history navigation and updated student logs


    The history navigation tool has changed its looks!

    You find the student history navigation at the top of the student answer. When it is activated, it follows when you scroll up and down in the student's answer.

    Screenshot 2023-08-23 at 10.53.24.png


    Personal question library


    Now, you can import questions from other exams to new (or old) exams from your own personal question library!

    Screenshot 2023-08-23 at 11.20.09.png

    Screenshot 2023-08-23 at 11.21.07.png


    Updated question editor


    Our updated question editor is finally in place!

    More information about creating and editing exams can be found in this article: Create an exam

    Screenshot 2023-08-23 at 11.03.54.png


    New mac app


    We are happy to announce the release of our new and improved application for MacOS and iOS!

    You can find the new application in App Store by searching "" or "examnet"

    In this article, you can find more information about downloading and installing applications for conducting exams in high-security mode.



    Mark a question at a time


    Do you also prefer marking one question at a time, instead of student per student? Now you can! 

    You find this view in Results > Questions

    Read more about this feature here:
    Mark Exams

    Screenshot 2023-08-23 at 10.48.30.png

    You can also get to this view via the individual marking by clicking "Mark question for all students"

    Screenshot 2023-08-23 at 10.58.02.png


    Assign 0.5 points


    Now it's possible to assign half points to students.



    Introducing the new and refined Exam Editor


    We hear from new teachers that when creating an exam, it is hard to understand the difference between our exam types. Therefore, we have rethought how we present these choices to teachers. 

    Don't worry - you can still create exams based on PDFs, auto-marked exams, etc. We've only made it easier to understand why you could choose each. And while we were at it, we simplified the steps for creating exams.

    To try out the new exam editor - simply start creating a new exam and switch to the new view, and that is it. You can now start using the new editor!

    If you have any feedback or encounter issues with the new exam editor, don't hesitate to reach out to us.



    See the student status in the monitoring overview!


    We have improved the monitoring view by adding the possibility to see the student status, giving you a better overview when conducting exams.



    Show results to students upon submission!


    In auto-marked exams, students can now see their scores immediately upon submission.

    The student view will look something like this:


    You activate this feature when creating/editing an exam.
